Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28-29
We are the community of Holy Dormition Orthodox Church. Our parish is located in the midst of the Roseland area of Santa Rosa, California. We maintain a life of prayer, holding services throughout the week, including nightly Compline. Every Sunday and on numerous feast days we celebrate the Divine Liturgy (the Eucharist), almost always preceded the evening before by the Vigil service. Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions or if you would like to visit.
Through our prayers and our struggle to keep our faith active, we hope to provide an environment where God’s Presence may be felt by souls afflicted by the secular culture of our times. Our hope is to bring the Light of God to others and to engage them in the richness of God’s Presence, to provide them with hospitality as Abraham provided the three angels under the Oak of Mamre.​
Please pardon our dust!
While the church building is undergoing renovations, services will be held outdoors under the redwoods. Dress accordingly! Thank you for understanding!

Events & Announcements
Weekend Services​
Service times currently vary,
due to the construction project.
Please check the church calendar
Midnight Office, 9:00 a.m.
Divine Liturgy, 10:00 a.m.
Service schedules may be found on our church calendar.
Feel free to contact us, or talk to one of our faithful or one of the priests after the services. We love visitors!
If your need is of a pastoral nature, you can call the office or leave an email request to schedule an appointment to meet with a priest.

"God give us the strength to pursue the path of crucifixion; there is no other way to be Christian." - Fr. Seraphim Rose